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aslp apec school leadership program

APEC School Leadership Program

ASLP 2024


The Training Workshop is a three-day event where school leaders from 14 different economies gather together
and share their experiences and insights to foster school innovation and inclusive education cooperation.
It will also facilitate school leaders in navigating current global education issues, challenges, and trends.

The onsite Training Workshop in Seoul will include several sessions with varying dynamics such as Keynote Lecture,
Special Lecture, Panel discussions, Best Practice Sharing, Group Activities, and more to maximize learning and retention.
Additionally, for overseas participants only, one day of cultural experience will be prepared as an opportunity to discover local traditional culture.

APEC Project Number
HRD 01 2023A

  • Institution

    Hosted by the Korean Ministry of Education (MOE) Organized by the Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE) and
    National Education Training Institute (NETI)

  • Project Overseer

    Ms. Chaewon Kim International Exchange Team 2, Institute of APEC Collaborative Education Email:

  • Target

    School Leaders (Principal, Vice-Principal)

  • Date

    7th October - 8th November

    Online Pre-Training: 7th – 18th October 2024 Onsite Training Workshop: 22nd – 24th October 2024 (For overseas participants) Cultural Experience: 25th October 2024 Online Post-Training: 28th October – 8th November

Tentative / subject to change

1. Pre-Training

Date Venue Topic / Contents
7th – 18th Oct.
ASLP Platform Pre-Training Survey (by 13th Oct.)
ASLP Platform Pre-Training Assignments
(1) Presentation Slides (by 13th Oct.)
(2) Report (by 18th Oct.)
ZOOM Kick-Off Meeting: Orientation on 16th Oct.

2. Training Workshop

Date Time Topic / Contents
Day 1

22nd Oct. (Tue.)

9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:00 Opening Ceremony (1) Opening / Welcome / Congratulatory Remarks (2) Greetings (3) Group Photo
10:00-11:00 Keynote LectureGlobal education innovations and school leadership Inspiring and motivative speech about global education trends and the role of school leadership in education innovation
11:00-12:30 Welcome Luncheon
12:30-14:00 Transition to the visiting venue (NAVER 1784)
14:00-15:00 Special Lecture - Competencies of school leaders for developing Talent in the Digital Age
15:00-17:00 Field Visit - Global IT and Ed-Tech Company (NAVER)
17:00-18:00 Group Activity 1 - Interactive discussion Current education issues, challenges of respective economies, and the vision for future education.
Day 2

23rd Oct. (Wed.)

09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-11:00 Panel Discussion Educational Innovation Led by School Leaders in the APEC region
11:00-12:30 Best Practice Sharing 1 (Digital Competency) Innovative Education and Digital Transformation How to design and implement innovative digital learning programs for students that are inclusive and transformative
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Best Practice Sharing 2 (Global Competency) Collaborative Education in the Interconnected World How to design and implement sustainable and interconnected collaborative education programs such as international school exchanges
15:30-18:00 Group Activity 2Collaborative Study for Action Plan Innovative, inclusive, and Interconnected School Project Design
Day 3

24th Oct. (Thu.)

09:00-09:30 Registration
9:30-11:00 Field VisitMulticultural School Excelling in VR and Digital Competency (Yong-Am Elementary School)
11:00-12:30 Group Activity 3- Preparing Presentations on the Action Plan
12:30-14:00 Farewell Lunch
14:00-16:00 Sharing - Group Action Plan Presentation
16:00-16:30 Closing Ceremony (1) Closing Remarks (2) Sharing Impressions (3) Announcement regarding Post-Training Activities (4) Group Photo

25th Oct. (Fri.)

For overseas participants only
09:00-16:00 Cultural Experience - Visiting Korea Folk Village ※ Transportation, lunch, and entrance fees will be offered by IACE

3. Post-Training

Date Venue Topic / Contents

28th Oct. – 8th Nov.

ASLP Platform Post-Training Survey (by 3rd Nov.)
Participants’ schools or communities

1. Dissemination: workshop, meeting, seminar, etc.
2. Implementation of Action Plan

ASLP Platform Post-Training Assignment: Final Report (by 8th Nov.)